Saga Dawa, 23 May to 21 June 2020

Saga Dawa falls during the period from 23 May – 21 June 2020 in the Western calendar, beginning with the new moon phase of the fourth month and ending with the full moon the following month. The date of 5 June 2020 is Saga Dawa’s most important date for Buddhist followers. In Tibetan, “Saga” is the name of a star most visible during the fourth lunar month of the Tibetan calendar and “Dawa” means month. The full moon day (15th day of the month) is called Saga Dawa Duchen. It marks a special day in Tibetan calendar. “Duchen” means great occasion. 

During Saga Dawa Month, we remember the life of Buddha, which coincides with three main events in his life:

1. The Birth of Buddha

According to the scriptures, the date of Buddha’s birth is different from the conventional viewpoint. It is not the date when he was born, but the day when he entered the womb of his mother. In other words, it is the day of his conception. According to Buddhist philosophy, the first moment of the consciousness with the contact of parent’s cells in the womb of the mother is considered to be an actual birth. It is the very beginning of the life or rebirth. That’s why the moment when the historical Buddha entered the womb of Queen Mahamaya of the Shakya Royal family on the full moon day of the Vesak month is regarded as Buddha Shakyamuni’s birth.

2. Buddha’s Enlightenment

At the age of 35, Buddha presented his attainment of enlightenment under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya. The earth trembled at that moment as he touched it. That’s why you can see Shakyamuni Buddha with a touching earth gesture on sculptures and paintings.

The day of Buddha's attaining of enlightenment is commemorated on 5 June 2020 in the Western calendar this year. 

3. Buddha’s Parinirvaṇa (Death)

At the age of 80, the historical Buddha performed his last deeds and entered into Parinirvana in Kushinagar.

Tibetans believe that one can accumulate immense merits during Saga Dawa, especially on the principle day of Saga Dawa (i.e. 5 June 2020 in the Western calendar this year), by performing virtuous acts such as performing the six perfections (generosity and the like) and stopping the killing of animals. Furthermore, Tibetans believe that all kinds of virtuous deeds performed on this day will result in great merits.

Have a meritorious Saga Dawa Duchen.