Through study we come to understand phenomena.
Through study we turn away from negative actions.
Through study we give up what is meaningless.
Through study we reach the state beyond sorrow.
Collection of the Bodhisattvas (Bodhisattva Pitaka)
Ngor Monastery is home to approximately 350 monks of which around 100 are under 10 years of age. We call these monks Little Bodhi Seeds.
Their education starts at Ngor Monastery with learning to read and write the Tibetan alphabet, arithmetic and languages such as English and Hindi to bring their education up to global standards.
They start their day with morning prayers, followed by classes until the afternoon. Their dharma studies also include participation in the rituals and ceremonies at Ngor Monastery.
Some of the Little Bodhi Seed monks are from poor Himalayan families who are unable to provide the monks with support or sponsorship. Ngor Monastery cares for Little Bodhi Seeds through the traditional Tibetan Buddhist monastic system.

Ngor Monastery provides safe shelter, food, robes, hygiene, healthcare and education for the Little Bodhi Seeds. Ngor Monastery's Ama La (carer) also provides care and supervision and teaches the Little Bodhi Seeds personal hygiene and how to wash their robes. Each Little Bodhi Seed is buddied up with an older monk for support.
After completing their studis at Ngor Monastery (now between the ages of 25 to 30) the monks go to the Sakya Institute of Vajrayana for higher Mahayana Buddhist education for 8 years. Having completing this they can continue to study the vajrayana teachings for a further 3 years. On completion of their formal eduation, the monks are given the choice to enter into long-term retreat at the Ngor Retreat Centre. Thereafter the monks are qualified to become authentic vajrayana teachers.