HE Luding Khenchen Rinpoche’s Birthday, 30 October 2020

His Eminence Luding Khenchen Rinpoche
On 30 October 2020, the Tibetan calendar is the 14th day of 9th month in the year of Iron Rat, our glorious Guru HE Luding Khenchen Rinpoche turned 90 years of age.
This year, Khenchen Rinpoche's birthday coincided with the anniversary of the first Three Sakya Trizins and the following Great Sakya Masters:
The Great Sakya Lineage Masters
To ensure Khenchen Rinpoche continues to live a long and healthy life, from 26 to 30 October monks at Ngor Monastery and the Sakya Institute of Vajrayana performed a series of long-life rituals and ceremonies.
In Ngor Monastery’s main shrine hall, HE Thartse Khen Rinpoche, HE Luding Khen Rinpoche, Luding Shabdrung and other esteemed monks performed the Six Rays White Tara ritual.
In the adjacent shring halls, Lopon Jamyang Gyaltsen lead the Puja of 16 Arhats Puja, senior monk Nyima Zangpo lead the Mahakala puja, and young novice monks performed long-life mantras, Medicine Buddha mantras, Tara prayers and Guru Rinpoche prayers.
On 30 October, at Ngor Monastery’s main shrine hall, a Long-Life Mandala offering was made by Gyalyum Chenmo to Khenchen Rinpoche on behalf of Drolma Phrodang. HE Thartse Khen Rinpoche, HE Luding Khen Rinpoche and Luding Shabdrung also made Long Life Mandala offerings to Khenchen Rinpoche.
HE Luding Khenchen Rinpoche with HE Thartse Khenpo, HE Luding Khenpo, HE Luding Shabrung and Rinpoche's great-niece, Sonam Palden
Due to COVID-19, monks at the Sakya Institute of Vajrayana (SIV) were unable to participate in the long-life ceremonies at Ngor Monastery. As a result, Khenpo Konchok Gyalsten, Khenpo Tsega Palden and esteemed Rinpoches, Senior Khenpos and monks performed the Three Deities Long Life Puja at the SIV main shrine hall and made offerings to Khenchen Rinpoche.
We pray for Khenchen Rinpoche to continue to live a long and healthy life and continue to bring benefit to all beings.