Sacred Teachings at SIV

The Omniscient Ngorchen Khonchok Lhundup
On 16 January at the Sakya Insitute of Vajrayana (SIV), Venerable Abbot Khenpo Konchok Gyaltsen imparted a series of sacred teachings, beginning with a text composed by the Omnicient Ngorchen Konchok Lhundup.
Ngorchen Konchok Lhundup was born in Sakya in the year of 1497 and entered the monastic order at the age of 13. He received the sacred Sakya Lamdre collection of teachings, as well as other sutra and tantra teachings from his main teachers.
After performing many meditation retreats, Ngorchen Konchok Lhundup realized a very special Lamdre view called the ‘non-differentiation of worldly existence and liberation’. By this realisation, he was able to conduct his daily life in accordance with this understanding of reality, and all his activities were pure.
Ngorchen Konchok Lhundup maintained strict vinaya discipline and was also a pure vegetarian.
At the age of 38, Ngorchen Konchok Lhundup became the 10th abbot of Ngor Ewam Choden Monastery and held the abbotship for 24 years. During this time, he bestowed the Lamdre 35 times, as well as other teachings and instructions on sutra and tantra.
Ngorchen Khonchok Lhundup was a prolific writer and some of his compositions are revered texts of are presently studied and practiced in the Sakya tradition.
Ngorchen Khonchok Lhundup passed into Parinirvana at the age of 60 in 1557.
Below are photos of the monks at the Sakya Institute of Vajrayana receiving the sacred teachings from Venerable Khenpo Khonchok Gyaltsen.